
Maiden Alley Cinema will feature JoyCut, from Bologna, Italy, for Music @ MAC on March 5. Paducah and Bologna connected through the UNESCO Creative Cities Network to facilitate this international creative partnership.

JoyCut produces a mesmerizing and conceptual sound based on dilated and biting electro sound. The band recently opened and toured with such bands as The Editors, Art Brut, Modest Mouse, Arcade Fire and Sebadoh. The trio’s United States tour is in support of their third album, PiecesOfUsWereLeftOnTheGro und (released on Italy’s largest record label IRMA in 2013) and centered around their selection for South By Southwest, one of just two Italian bands to be selected thus far.

Just named one of 10 UNMISSABLE International acts to be highlighted at SXSW.  Check out more here.



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