ColumbiART - An art exhibition inside the historic Columbia Theatre

Former resident/artist of Paducah's Lower Town Arts District and current resident of Augusta, MO, Teri Moore works as a full-time visual artist.  A unique and first of its kind installation will take place in the historic Columbia Theatre and you are invited to witness it!!!!  

One day ONLY, we invite anyone to reserve a slot to take a walk through the 1927 art palace, viewing the artwork, but also taking in the beauty of this historic structure.  There will also be activities on Broadway, including food/drink and live music so make plans to come before your scheduled slot and feel free to stick around after.  All proceeds will benefit the Columbia Theatre Restoration Project.

Words from the artist:  In Augusta, I have a studio for the first time in years.  Because of the large flexible space, I am able to work again on the subtly social political sculptural groupings I enjoyed creating while living in Paducah.  I make these groupings based on happenings that affect me both regionally and worldwide.  While the make no overarching 'in your face' comment, they do hint to the concept that inspires them.  the two I have completed at this time speak to the following:
Group 1:  Broken Things describe my only semi-successful attempt at putting them back together . . . once broken, I can never put it back the way it originally was, so it necessarily becomes a new thing of its own, inspired by its beginning.
Group 2:  Variations on White speak to the very real issue of people being thought of and treated differently bases on skin color.  This concept breaks my heart as I realize the difference between things (us) are often such small 'variations' yet inspire such violence and resolve of individual perspectives as correct and superior.

Teri is working on three more groupings of similar size and scope.  Teri says, "They need to be seen; to be experienced."  She put the word out on social media to Paducah and St. Louis friends hoping to find a venue that would compliment the work not only for exhibition to the community that accepts them, but also so she could install them all in one space in order to have professional photographs taken for further advancement of the exhibition.  Teri loves rough, unfinished spaces to exhibit her work as her aesthetic matches these spaces best, she thought of the Columbia Theatre.


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