Music @ MAC presents JoyCut

Italy's JoyCut, based in Bologna, emerged in 2004, the project named for the conjunction between the song 'Joey' from Nick Drake's TIME OF NO REPLY and Pink Floyd's THE FINAL CUT. After some sonic exploration on early recordings, JoyCut's most distinct sounds of post-rock and dark-wave bore true gruit on the 2009 release Ghost Trees Where to Disappear. The music includes a weaving of powerful sonic moments using electronic melodies and percussion with found objects from urban landscape. Often experimental but always accessible, JoyCut have found a loyal fan bas in Italy, the UK as well as most of Europe and have now brought their venture to the US in support of their latest album, PiecesOfUsWereLeftOnTheGround.

Having opened and toured with such bands as Arcade Fire, Editors, Art Brut, Modest Mouse and Sebadoh, the trio won over North American fans on their first proper US Tou in winter and spring of 2014.


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