Whiskey Bent Valley Boys

With JD Wilkes and Gideon's Rifle

Now these boy will take you through the hills of ol’ kentucky, bearing the stores, traditions and liquor that date back a century. This old-time band delivers with an intensity that would knock the sock right off of their forefathers feet.

Hailing from the back woods of Pewee Valley, Kentucky. Whiskey Bent Valley  pay’s homage to their southern kin.Songs from the tobacco fields to the rivers, iron skillets to moonshine stills, upbeat and professional, this band posesses the skill to honor history and preserve the instruments, their style and every authentic nuance of the day. With their sense of fashion, From overalls to string ties, straw hats to silk vests, along with a turbo charged performance, their approach breathes fire into this vintage genre.

Colonel JD Wilkes

Wilkes is a Kentucky Colonel, an honorable title bestowed upon those with a connection to, or are famous residents of Kentucky, by the state's Governor. 
He is also an accomplished harmonica player, having recorded for such artists as Merle Haggard, John Carter Cash, Mike Patton, and Hank Williams III.  He can also be spotted playing harmonica for Hank Williams III in the 2004 American Masters film Hank Williams: Honky Tonk Blues.  His song "Swampblood" can be heard on the Grammy-nominated soundtrack for HBO's True Blood series.


Gideon's Rifle

Predominantly influenced by traditional American roots music and Kentucky bluegrass, Gideon's Rifle has a strong focus on vocal harmonies and arrangement. The combination of self taught folk musicians and well versed music school graduates has Gideon's Rifle irreverently sliding in and out of Americana, Folk, Indie and Bluegrass. 


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