Cinema Systers Film Festival

About Cinema Systers Film Festival - The ONLY All Lesbian Film Festival in the USA!

Cinema Systers Film Festival was created to provide a dedicated space for Lesbian filmmakers to showcase their art.  Lesbians have been an acutely under-represented voice in the film industry.  The mission of this festival is to strengthen, enrich and connect this diverse community of women/womyn, and provide an outlet for their art. We intend to build bridges among audiences, filmmakers and the community at large through the exhibition of Lesbian produced films and other events scheduled throughout the weekend.

About Maiden Alley Cinema

Maiden Alley Cinema is our host theater...and is home to the longest running film festival in Kentucky, the River's Edge International Film Festival.  The Paducah Film Society, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, was founded in 1991 by a group of arts-minded individuals who saw a need for an outlet for foreign, independent and documentary film.   

Our interest in film here at Maiden Alley goes beyond the visible business aspect of film as Hollywood uses it and into the heart of what film can offer us in the way of documentary, animation, experimental, and narrative filmmaking. 

Individuals finding funding, and working outside the mainstream industry create what we call independent film. Whether they choose not to take part in Hollywood’s system, or have yet to break in, these films and filmmakers are arguably the purest there are. To bring a film from simply a passing idea to a script or outline, to a recorded image and a final print is, for a filmmaker, an emotional, financial and time intensive task. The artistic ability and heart and soul it takes to create a film without support from the mainstream film industry is proof positive that there is more behind what we show than an interest in money and “cool action scenes”. Be it foreign or domestic, we strive to offer the best in filmmaking, and the best in films.


Not all films are suitable for all audiences.  Some films contain adult content.  The films you see at CSFF may challenge you in different ways.



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